Injured Wildlife
WHOMP – Wildlife Help on the Mornington Peninsula. 0417 380 687, 0417 395 883
Australian Wildlife Assistance, Rescue & Education – a wildlife rescue group dedicated to helping sick, injured and orphaned wildlife from around the Mt Eliza area to Melbourne
Mornington Peninsula Shire pamphlets
The Shire website includes a number of downloadable pamphlets on various topics such as “How to be a good Bushland Neighbour” and “Guide to Indigenous Plants and Problem Weeds of the Nepean Peninsula”.
Friends Groups and Environmental Organisations
Mount Eliza Association for Environmental Care (MEAFEC) – devoted to safeguarding the natural environment of Mount Eliza.
Southern Peninsula Indigenous Flora & Fauna Association (SPIFFA)
Sunshine Bushland Reserve – a close neighbour of BERG Mt Martha
Native plants, animals and weeds
Amphibian Research Centre: – dedicated to research and conservation of Australia’s unique frogs
Australian Museum – Spiders – provides a wide range of information on Australian spiders
Gardens for Wildlife – aims to encourage and recognise wildlife-friendly gardens and environment-friendly practices in urban gardens
Salinity Indicator Plants – information on and photos of a wide range of salt-tolerant plants (indigenous and weeds), including those found in the areas of salt marsh in the Balcombe Estuary Reserves. Part of the Victorian Department of Primary Industry’s collection of Victorian Resoures Online.
Invasive Plants – lots of information on weeds, and links to other weed websites. Part of the Victorian Department of Primary Industry’s collection of Victorian Resoures Online
BirdLife Australia – a national organisation dedicated to achieving outstanding conservation results for Australia’s native birds and their habitats. BirdLife Australia, launched in January 2012, brings together two existing organisations: Birds Australia and Bird Observation and Conservation Australia.
Birdlife Mornington Peninsula – the Mornington Peninsula branch of Bird Observation and Conservation Australia
Royal Botanic Gardens Cranbourne
Spiders of Australia – aims to show the common spiders of Australia by means of colour photos and some informative text.
Twitcher’s Corner – bird photographs by Keith Hindley, a Frankston photographer
Victorian Frog Group – provides information on Victoria’s frog species and a sound file for identification.
Field Naturalists Club of Victoria Fungi Group – aims to widen members’ knowledge of fungi in the field, conducting regular field forays and meetings. Site includes reports of forays with information on fungi found.
Fungimap – dedicated to improving knowledge and conservation of Australian macrofungi.
Bill Leith’s Fungi Pages – a useful website providing information on fungi and fungi identification, and a substantial photo gallery for identification.
Action and Support Groups and Programs
Australian Marine Conservation Society – the only national group devoted solely to protecting the marine environment. The site provides the latest marine news, issues and periodicals.
Australian Wildlife Conservancy – committed to saving Australia’s native wildlife from the very real threat of extinction, by creating reserves to protect habitat and threatened species, and establishing new populations where threatened species have become locally extinct. The site provides details of their projects.
Coastcare – the site provides information about the Coastcare program and ways in which Coastcare supports community involvement in the management, protection and rehabilitation of Australia’s coastal and marine environment.
Conservation Volunteers Australia – involves the community in conservation projects in urban, regional and remote Australia. The site provides information on the program and how people can become involved.
Environment Defenders Office – an independent, non-profit, public interest legal service specialising in environmental law. It provides legal advice and representation on environmental and planning issues, provides community legal education and makes submissions to Government on relevant legislation. The site provides information about the organisation as well as current environmental policy initiatives.
Greening Australia – Victoria: – works in partnership with landholders, the community, government and business to tackle environmental degradation in a practical, apolitical, scientific way. The site provides information on Greening Australia’s activities, including their education and training
Landcare There are over 5000 landcare groups around Australia funded by the Commonwealth Government. The Landcare program aims to balance the needs of farming productivity and nature conservation. This site contains information about Landcare and the groups involved.
Trust for Nature – a non-profit organization which aims to conserve remnant bushland on private land through conservation covenants. The site contains information about the organisation and its programs.
Victorian Landcare
Victorian National Parks Association –Provides a wide range of information on aspects of the environment and Victoria’s parks and wilderness areas.
Waterwatch Victoria – part of a national community water quality monitoring program. Enables groups to link with each other, share discoveries, compare findings and build a picture of the health of waterways across Australia.
Other relevant sites
Mornington Peninsula Shire Council
Melbourne Water
Ecological Society of Australia – a professional organisation established to promote ecological research and communication.