Why join BERG Mt Martha?

Our members enjoy:

  • supporting an organisation that actively improves the natural environment in Mt Martha for the whole community
  • meeting like-minded people who are passionate about protecting our natural environment – our membership is currently over 450, and many have been with us from the start in 1987
  • greater involvement in the local community and an opportunity to join the 110+ volunteers who get actively involved and/or “have a say”
  • the opportunity to attend interesting environmental speaker events
  • an informative newsletter 6 times per year (email or print)
  • a periodic e-Newsletter on environmental or BERG MM matters of current interest or importance
  • information about local ecology ie the inter-relationships of plants, animal, soils, climate etc
  • access to relevant and informative workshops, training, presentations, seminars
  • advice on landscaping properties and gardens with indigenous plants to encourage local native birds, etc.
  • great morning teas at working bees!

Family membership is $20 for 12 months

Single Membership is $15 for 12 months


As well-known American anthropologist, Margaret Mead, said:

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”